seedrnftrees | Treecoin

Peter Paul Zernecke
Schwanthalerstr. 83
80336 Munich
Contact us

About seedrnftrees

We value benefit to society
and pre-fund all Seeds.

seedrnftrees | Treecoin

Join the team or
support our Roadmap.

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

Together we can rebuild our forests and we need to start our journey now.

seedrnftrees provides everyone with the opportunity to take responsibility and recover one of nature's essences: Trees.

seedrnftrees are a symbiosis of NFT collectibles and real trees planted. Growing and providing value, naturally, for decades.

Our purpose

seedrnftrees is about collecting money for planting trees. The trees will be bought through different charity and social services. Each project needs to have an hard endpoint which can be handed over to one or more candidates in a kind of prize. Ways to achieve prices may vary. Announced prizes are bought by seedrnftrees prior to raffles to guarantee delivery.

"Imagine the tree of your Seed and its value generated by 2070."

Just the best is good enough to start this journey. A Baobab can be claimed by being first to solve the puzzle of the generation First Seed.

Community is key.

By just sharing what each of us may afford we generate great value and seed growing benefit to life on earth.

Each series will result in real plants and CO2 binding projects (Seed Air).

Goal is to plant trees in countries all across the planet.

You want to support us,
but you are not into Tokens?

seedrnftrees | Treecoin

Origin of the name Seedr is the idea to Seed Air.
Trees provide so much more, they are vital to all life.

Seedr NFT grow in value, naturally.

Nais Art Project by Peter Paul Zernecke, seedrnftrees, Munich.